Supporting others is what I love to do, what I was created to do. To support you, by listening, being compassionate, challenging, encouraging and cheering you on. I work with individuals who are growth oriented, spiritually centered and want to make a difference in their world yet may feel blocked or stuck.
If you are
having any of these types of challenges:
Self doubt
Limiting Beliefs
Unhappy Relationships
Broken Heart
Feel like you don't fit in
Feel like you aren't heard or listened to
Trust that they
can transform to more of these positive outcomes:
Confidence / Inspired / Passionate
Empowered thoughts
Calm / Relaxed / Centered
Clarity / Inspired / Flow
Feeling Balanced / Happy
Understanding relationships / committed
Loving / Forgiving
Self expressed / Fun /Playful / Attractive
Know where you fit in / Find your tribe
Validated / Connected / Appreciated
Loved / Understood / Accepted

Creating Partnership Coaching
Typical relationships start off with hope, love, excitement. Over time they often become full of expectations, resentments, disappointments and need for authentic communication. Creating Partnership is a process to understand your style of relating and develop partnership skills that has both partners working to create a level of intimacy that most long for. The process also looks at the differences between the masculine and the feminine in relationship.

Healing Your Heart Coaching
Healing Your Heart Coaching is a 12 week process designed to address a relationship that continues to cause you pain, resentment, sorrow, sadness, distrust or a feeling that keeps you from loving fully. It shines a new light on the relationship and helps to build compassion for yourself. It can be a relationship from years gone past or a current relationship.

Integrative Coaching
We are both shadow and light. We are multifaceted. Owning all parts of ourselves can be a scary and daunting task. There are parts of ourselves that we try to hide but in reality we are not hiding them at all. Integrative Coaching is a 12 week process of understanding, letting go of resistance, accepting, embracing ourselves, forgiveness and owning both the gifts of our shadow and our light attributes. This process helps us to step into our powerful self and be who we were designed to be.

Spiritual Direction
God speaks to us everyday in many ways; we can connect through our nightly dreams, our daily inspiration, a gut feeling, a knowing, an answer to a prayer, the beauty of nature, laughter, dancing, the face of a stranger, creation or even a conflict. We just need to listen and reflect. We are never alone. Spiritual Direction is holding the space for you to share what is going on in your life and having a witness to your journey.

Tapping Into Wealth
We were raised with certain ideas about money. We either live that paradigm or fight against it. In Tapping Into Wealth we discover our families' paradigm around money, our vows about money, our vows about ourselves and uncover events that stop us from having a healthy relationship to money. Through a 10 week program using a mind body technique we release the old and create a positive, empowering way of being around money.

Full Spectrum Energy Balancing
We are energetic beings. When we get stuck, our energy gets stuck and we feel it in our bodies. We may become emotional, experiencing a wide range of sensations, emotions or become numb. Energy balancing aids in the process of getting energy flowing and releasing that which is not longer needed on an energetic level. When we tap into our core self and live from our soul's purpose we live balanced, fulfilling and passionate lives.

Free Consultation
Thank you for exploring my website!! I would love to talk with you, hear what is going on in your life and see what service would best support you. Please send me an email to set up an appointment or leave a message in the contact page. Conchita@callconchita.com
All the services can be done long distance and are just as powerful.